Thursday 26 January 2012

Front page making

Today,finally,I've started working on my front cover and I will show you the progress of it step by step( every time I make some major changes) :

After creating the first draft we can see I am trying to stay close to what I've planned to do in my design. However, some changes may be made to the design in future steps.
As you can see I've removed the QR code and decided to move it to the content page as people don't usually use QR reader these days , so it would just take up some space. Also I have moved my barcode to the right as it makes my magazine look more original. Another change made at this step was putting quote "I take 3 L's to the head LOVE.LIVE.LIFE" together, at the bottom of the page, as it gives me more space for cover lines. Speaking about cover lines, I have added a few cover lines, however we can clearly see it is not enough so I am going to be working more on my magazine's front cover.
After creating my third draft, I compared it to the second draft I've made and could see a lot of progression, as I have added more cover lines it made my magazine look real. Also I had to change the strap line as Dappy was added to the coverlines so I had to swap him with another artist in the strap line.Hopefully this is the last draft, however, a few changes may be made

I've made some new changes to the draft I thought was the last one. The main change made was the picture as I decided to make it in black and white and it looked much better. Another big change made was added issue number and a qr code next to the barcode, which took up the free space and made my magazine look even more professional. I also edited the masthead, I made it bigger and added "New" on it so the reader can understand that this is a new magazine and also added the price which was £3.50 as I planned before. This is my final draft and hopefully there won't be any changes.

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