Monday 16 January 2012

The Treatment

The magazine : Whiz

Target readership: Whiz is a new music magazine aimed at female and male teens who enjoy listening to hip hop music. Reader is aimed to be a teenager between 15-19, however, it could be anyone else as my magazine covers a lot about hip hop. Readers or their parents (depends on who's going to be buying the magazine) will fall into C1/C2 socioeconomic group as my magazine will cost £3.50. The reader of the magazine is going to expect to see a hip hop superstar on the front cover and a lot of show off. My reader will have a strong sense of fashion and always desire the latest music, clothes and gadgets. The reader must be interested in all kind of music awards and other achievements as well as hip hop stars' lifes which is going to be one of the main parts of my magazine.

Form and style: Whiz is a full color magazine which contains hip hop celebrities interviews, fashion, news and reviews of new albums. Front covers are going to include young hip hop stars which have a very perspective future and very famous in hip hop world. Cover lines will contain some very interesting news or quotes which the reader would be interested in. Graphics which will be used are going to be bold and catchy , also the front cover will be glossed in order to show that this magazine is a good value for money. As I said before the price will be £3.50, which is enough to make a good looking magazine and be afforded by teenagers.

Themes and typical features: Whiz will have a lot of regular features typical to a hip hop magazine. Every issue of my magazine will include an interview with a different star, reviews of new albums and some fashion updates. There will be a strong focus on superstars such as Lil Wayne, Jay z or Birdman; as these people have a good sense of fashion, brilliant songs and they are nice and wouldn't mind to be interviewed. Last pages of the magazine will include some reviews of coming up artists so the reader can develop his/her hip hop knowledge wider and wider as he/she reads Whiz. The writers will use language familiar to the target audience's so it will magazine as interesting as it is possible.

Potential adverties: Whiz will include some adverts in it but not as much a typical music magazine has as it is annoys the reader. However, there are some exceptions such as a specific music album or artist's clothe shop which covers up our topics (Fashion, Album reviews and etc) Clothe shops we might advertise in our magazine are: ozzys, yukka, sturbanclothing and sojones... We also will advertise iTunes albums so it is easier for the audience to download music they might need.

Editorial team: The editorial team will be made up of experienced and talanted writers who might have worked or been taught by people who worked in a famous/leading hip hop magazine. Mostly, writers must be very creative and have a good imagination and know how to attract the target audience.

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