Tuesday 17 January 2012

Font design of the masthead

Today I have been working on font of my music magazine and I was picking out of 12 different choices...The choices were:
I' ve asked some of my classmates and my friends to circle fonts they liked the most and I collected the results afterwards.. An example of the sheet answered by my friend is :
After adding up all the result I've collected and thinking about it by myself I have a problem picking the final font out of two and they are :

The font on the left is more of a hip hop/rap genre font as it has some kind of "gangster"/ "graffity" styled font it self and some houses at the bottom of the font, which really would shout out it is a hip hop magazine. However, the font on the right handside is more likely to be a "show off" font which is very flashy and would stand out if I make it colorful.. As I can't pick which one of them is better I will be making my first drafts with both of the font and after I will see which one looks better with my music magazine...

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