Sunday 20 November 2011

Questionnaire answers

Before I actually start designing I would like to post answers to my survey about the magazine.

Question 1
What would you like to see in the school magazine?
A) School gossips (e.g. relationships)
B) School events (e.g. sport,music)
C) Something about college (interesting facts)
D) Outside the school events
E) Fashion
F) IT ( information technology)
G) Funny section
H) History
I) Something to help you with exams
J) Other : "Complete list of all responses given to this question"

Question 2
Would you ever pay for the school magazine? if you picked "YES", please go to question 3, if you picked "NO" go to question 4

Question 3
How much would you pay for the school magazine?
A) 25p
B) 50p
C) £1
D) £2
E) £5
F) Other

Question 4
Which year group are you in?
A) Year 7
B) Year 8
C) Year 9
D) Year 10
E) Year 11
F) Year 12
G) Year 13
H) I am a teacher
I) I am a parent/relative
J) I am someone outside the school

Question 5
How often would you like to see the magazine released?
A) once a week
B) twice a month
C) once a month
D) once a halfterm
E) once a term
F) once a year

Question 6
What would you like to see on the front cover?
A) Students studying
B) Students doing sports activities
C) Students doing art activities
D) Students doing music activities
E) Students relaxing
F) Teachers
G) School facilities

Question 7
What colour scheme do you prefer to be used in the school magazine?
A) White and Black
B) White, Turquoise and Black
C) White, Purple and Black
D) White, Purple and Black
E) White, Purple and Black
F) White, Purple and Black
G) Red, Green, Yellow and Blue
H) Other "Black and Yellow"
"Black and Yellow"
"All colours"
"Orange, White and Purple"

Question 8
What would you prefer to see in the magazine more?
A) Images
B) Text
C) Both

Question 9
What type/types of images would you like to see?
A) Close-ups
B) Mid-shots
C) Long-shots
D) Extreme close-ups

Question 10
Did you find this survey easy and comfortable to use?

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