Friday 11 November 2011

Analysing some other magazines: Textual analysis of Common Sense

By opening the content page of this magazine the first thing we can see is the word "CONTENT" which is written with a fontsize,which is like twice bigger than the other fontsizes. The colour was picked for this main heading is very boring because it is black and the background is white.At the top of the page there is a masterhead which identifies the magazine.The masterhead is printed in the same colours as on the front pages and it is really standing out compare to other writings on this page. Straight under the main heading there is a list of articles which are in the magazine and it is written again in black. However, the content is very good in terms of the actual writing, on the right of the content there is another content which basically says the same thing but in pictures, even the heading says "what's in.." and it is straight under the main heading. The only idea I really liked on this page was the letter from editors, which helps readers to know what was included in previous page and what is this magazine actually about.To help us to understand more about this letter,the editors highlighted the key points of this letter with blue. There are also pictures of editors included, so people can actually see who they are. At the bottom of the letter there is a picture of the front page to show us what issue we are looking at and to identify the brand as well. Overall this page really disappointed me, because the front cover had a lot of good ideas.

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