Friday 11 November 2011

Analysing some other magazines:Textual analysis of Common Sense

The name of the magazine I am analysing first is Common sense and it was printed in Luton for a sixth form college. As it says on the front page, this magazine is free, therefore this is not a business, it is clearly just for students of this college and this magazine is not printed to compete on the market.
By looking at the front cover we can see a big and colourful masthead with the name of the magazine, which is very easy to see because the background is dark. Another text that can be easily seen is a banner at the bottom of the front page, which says "American Idiots". This saying makes readers think what does this actually mean,so basically it makes the reader intrested. However,straight under the banner there is an answer to our question. Another good idea I can see on this page is putting cover lines on it.By putting cover lines readers could possible tell what is this magazine about without even openning it. The colour was picked for the cover lines is yellow,which is another colour which can easily be seen on a dark background. Common sense has some more great ideas, which could be included to my magazine, such as a strapline, which introduces readers to main articles and as we can see the colour for this bit is yellow, so readers can see it without any problems. However,something I really don't like about this magazine is a very boring, dark background and the picture. This isn't a magazine I would like to read, when I am in a happy mood,because it will just be gone.

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