Monday 14 November 2011

Analysing some other magazines:Textual analysis of Student ID

The content page of the magazine looks very similar to "Common Sense" and basically reminds me of it. What we can see on this page is a big header saying "Inside ID" , which basically gets us to understand that it is the content page.Also as I said before I really like the idea with a picture of the editors and a letter from them. Which helps us to know who the editors are and to understand their ideas more. Also by having letter, the editors could tell us what's going to be included into the next magazine.
However, even thought the content is made in a very good order, the pictures by the normal content doesn't look like a good idea to me, because the content is reapeted twice, but it still looks better than "Common Sense".
Because of the colourful cover I expected to see the content page made in the same way but expectations were ruined by seeing boring colours again.

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