Saturday 4 February 2012

the Interview

Today I've spent my time on inteviewing Josh.. The interview went quite well and it is long enough to even create two double page spreads. I have listed the interview underneath if anyone would be interested to read it:

TE: Hello Joshua and thank you for coming today!
Jo z : Hey.
TE: So how does it feel to be back in London, the place where you started from?
Jo z: Feels a bit funny, because it is where I was born and where I belong really. I clearly remember learning how to ride a bike and how I went to school for the first time, mostly everything.
TE: Wow, must bring good memories to you then.. Where exactly were you born in London?
Jo z: Hackney, East London. Probably the worst area to be born in London.
TE: Did it affect your life in any way?
Jo z: Yes it did, the first time I saw someone being shot was when I was 9. So I had loads of experience and kind of always knew how you can end up being if you mess with wrong people.
TE: Have you ever had anything to do with these “wrong people”?
 Jo z: Well, when we are young we always want to try something knew so at some point I was with the wrong group of people but it all changed when rap came into my life. I knew I had to make the right decision otherwise my life was going to the same way as many teenage boys before me.
TE: So how old were you when you started to rap?
Jo z: When I was 10 but it was mainly just playing around with some words, I was 15 when I seriously started thinking about this as a career.
TE: What made you think you could become successful?
Jo z: I was popular on the streets and people liked my music. I could have been walking back from school and some older people would just give me a lift, that’s how popular and respected I was getting at some point. I took every opportunity to perform in front of groups. I loved the attention and I knew I was good.
TE: Was there anyone who didn’t like what you were doing?
Jo z: There are always haters in anything you do, so I remember my mates getting involved and being jealous about the attention I was getting but it didn’t really stop me.
TE: So how did you end up being popular worldwide not just in East London?
Jo z: Once, while I was selling my albums out of my car, some big guy came up to me and asked me if my name was Joshua so I said yes. I didn’t realise that this guy was going to change a lot for me, it was Jay-z. He was just walking around with his bodyguards and he saw me trying to survive on the streets by selling music so he took me as his apprentice and helped me out a lot. My life changed over night. We left London and I spent the next few years in America recording and hanging out.
TE: Now it doesn’t seem you are struggling, I can tell that by looking at your watch. Do you still keep on touch with Jay-z as he doesn’t need to help you to survive anymore?
Jo z: (laughs).. You make me laugh man, I don’t struggle now but I am trying to help people who do, just the way Jay-z did it for me! Obviously we do keep in touch, he is like a father to me and I love him a lot, also Jay-z is my music mentor so I can’t really get away from him.
TE: That’s great that music has helped you to find some real friends, how is your new album doing?
Jo z: It is great, almost finished and will be out in a couple of months; I worked hard on this one and put everything I had into it. As Jay-z taught me “every new album must be a bit better than the previous one”
TE: Never thought you can improve anything in your music, you are just a great rapper Jo z! How is your new charity website project doing?
Jo z: It is doing really well as most of my fans are really nice people and they wouldn’t mind giving some money to people who struggle or need it.
TE: So what type of charity are you supporting?
Jo z: I help poor people in Nigeria as it is my second home and I just can’t stand seeing people struggling there.
TE: Do you spend any of your money on donations then?
Jo z: hmm.. Not really, I prefer saving than giving if you know what I mean, but obviously I do a lot for this charity! As I am getting older, I start realising that saving or donating money is way better than wasting it in one night. I changed a lot since the last time you saw me.

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