Tuesday 13 December 2011

Textual analysis of a music magazine

Front Cover Analysis
The masthead is in lower case and capitals. It is also in sans serif which shows that it is current as well as the text colour. It is a light ‘young’ blue which makes it appealing to its audience. The masthead is fairly small in size compared to the other texts on the page and it attracts its target audience because it’s simple, yet cool and the way the text ‘presents’ is rotated at an angle gives it that edgy look. The main photograph is a medium close up of the artist Bow Wow in front of a grey backdrop which is lighted softly. The facial expression on the artists face is natural with a slight smirk on his face. Bow Wow’s photograph is positioned to the left of the page as opposed to the other images which are aligned to the right; this shows that there is a main story inside the magazine of the chosen artist (Bow Wow). Because the target audience of this magazine are black teenagers, readers can easily identify themselves with the photograph.
The texts on the front cover are in sans serif and predominantly in capitals. They are all of a medium weight and size. The colours that have been used are: black, blue, yellow, white and pink which represent energy and fun, this creates a youthful effect. Some of the texts are rotated at an angle which gives the front cover an edgy and cooler look and feel. There is a sketched image on the top right hand corner of the magazine. Another interesting element of the photographs is the way they are presented. Some photos have no background (e.g. Chris Brown & Rihanna), and the others that are used have a background (e.g. Jazmine Sullivan and Kelly Clarkson). The cover design establishes a house style with the word ‘black’ incorporated into the word ‘beat’. This is unique to the magazine company. This magazine cover will influence me in many ways, especially in the way the texts are positioned. I like the way this magazine has slightly rotated the texts.
Contents Page Analysis
The purpose of a contents page is to inform the reader of what is inside the magazine. The reader is able to navigate to the different sections of the magazine because the sections are in different colours for example, ‘Fashion and Beauty’ is in pink and ‘Music’ is in purple so it is easy for the reader to select specific parts of the magazine that they want to read. Also, the page numbers are very clear and the most important page number of each section is larger than the rest.
In the contents page, there are photographs of various images that relate to each category or the page. It also adheres to the overall house style of the music magazine with use of carefully selected images and audience friendly language. The page reveals that the reader is interested in fashion, music and celebrity entertainment.

 Double Page Spread Analysis
The main image is of the rapper Bow Wow. He is wearing casual clothing; this would be worn by the target audience. The interesting thing about the photograph is that it looks as if it has been torn. This is very smart as it reflects against the title BEWARE OF THE DOG’ seeming as if something dangerous has happened. The whole article is in sans serif font style, using a bright colour scheme (orange, green and blue). There are no columns in this feature page, neither is there an article, just two simple paragraphs.

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