Monday 12 December 2011

Music magazine textual analysis

Magazine - "DJ"
Publisher - "Thrust Publishing"
Published Since - 1991
Front Page

The masthead of this front cover can be clearly seen because of the size and the colour of itself. The colour was used for the masthead is red, which stands out on white background. The masthead says "DJ" which allows the buyer to understand that this magazine is going to be about "dance" music and incase the buyer doesn't understand what DJ stand for, underneath the masthead it is written "living &breathing dance music" which after reading this will clearly give the buyer a klnowledge of type of this magazine.
The front cover attracts audience by using a lot of different bright colours in the masthead, coverlines and the headline and a mid-close up picture. The headline "SBTRKT the masked man speaks" is posted in yellow colour and almost as big asthe masthead and somehow attached to the picture with the colour. However the headline is still not clear for the reader as it says "SBTRKT" this could be some abbreviation which some people wouldn't understand. The picture is a mid-close up picture which has man's face covered up with a mask.
On top of the masthead there is a strapline which says "free santos multimedia CD! music and data galore!" in a non stereo typical way by using a white font colour on a white background, when ususally it is used for attracting people and would have been written in some outstanding colour. However, it could of been done like this because of the notice straight next to it that says "best of british launch issue" , which is posted on a yellow graphic and probably is there to attract more audience.
The coverlines printed on the front page of this magazine are in different colour which really attracts buyers eyes and the contents themselves are really attractive and interesting. The coverlines are positioned in some kind of an order. when as a reader, I would expect them to be spreaded around page reading this type of a magazine.
Talking about the price of tha magazine it is very reasonable and it is £3.95 as the magazine is released monthly and aimed at any age group with a specific audience "dance" music fans or people who prefer "dance" music.  All this information is situated at the bottom of the page where it is expected to be normally. There is also an iTunes logo, which possibly allows user to understand that songs of this magazine could be downloaded there.
Contents page
Now I will be talking about contents page of this magazine. As soon as we open the page we can see a similar photo to the one on the front cover, which is really interesting and unusual. I wouldn't really say this content page is different to a stereotypical one because it has section headings which are put in an order and highlighted with different colors. In my opinion, highlighting section headings is a very good idea as it is easier for a reader to find what he/she really needs to find and it makes the page brighter. The information provided in the section headings is put in different colors too which makes this page brighter and less boring to look at. All the contents are followed up with a page number, some of them even have a picture to illustrate what is the section about to help the reader to get into the magazine. There are three columns: the first one is a mix of texts and a picture,the second one contains just text and the third one has only pictures. The "features" section is kind of highlighted on this page as it is printed in bigger fonts to the other sections and is the only section on the left side of the contents page when all the other sections are printed in another column. This could have been made in order to highlight the purpose of the magazine which is feautures of djing. As I said before, there is a picture on this page which gets into your attention is printed underneath the main section and is referred to one of the titles of this section and could possible be the reason why people bought the magazine. The pictures on the contents page have a bigger font for the page numbers and it is clearly  for the people who don't like reading and just want to see at a glance.
Double page spread
The double page spread I picked was about the front cover page's picture and the highlighted title of the contents page. The picture is very big and interesting because of the mixture of its colors. Also it is very mysterious as it is some kind of a mask in a mid close up shot. You can clearly see the masthead as it is printed in an enormous font in yellow which really stands out in black. There is also a massive drop cap underneath the massive masthead which makes the page really outstanding.The background color of this page is black and it is unusual to a stereotypical magazine. However, the font colors picked are bright and easy to read. On the first page there is a mixture of a picture and text on which the picture is clearly the most important part, but the second page has just only text. However,it has small titles on it which are standng out of the text and make it less boring. Also the text is written in informal language, using a lot of slang words and has some of taboo language which makes the text very interesting and really proves that it is the main article. 

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