Friday 2 March 2012


I have finished working on my magazine and I really enjoyed the task


At first I was interviewed on some of the question of the evaluation so I've uploaded it to the blog.
In which ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
 I think that the following institutions are most likely to distribute my product: Mag+ and Music mags are online distributors. Digital publishing is now becoming more popular with 17% of magazines now available online; therefore this would enable my product to be distributed on a larger scale if this method was used. Another possible institution to distribute the Whiz is the Bauer Media Group. I think this company would want to publish my magazine as they are starting publishing more music magazines and I don’t think they have found a hip hop genre magazine yet therefore the whiz would be the best option as it is knew and covers up their search criteria’s: age group 15-19, hip hop genre, must cover up fashion and interesting interviews with coming up young stars.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
 The target audience for my media product is teenagers and young adults both male and female aged from 15-19. I have chosen this age group as my target audience as they are more likely to buy music magazines and be interested in hip-hop music. I have targeted the magazine to both genders as I wanted to target a wider audience. Readers or their parents (depends on who's going to be buying the magazine) will fall into C1/C2 socioeconomic group as my magazine will cost £3.50. The reader of the magazine is going to expect to see a hip hop superstar on the front cover and a lot of show off. My reader will have a strong sense of fashion and always desire the latest music, clothes and gadgets. The reader must be interested in all kind of music awards and other achievements as well as hip hop stars' lifes which is going to be one of the main parts of my magazine. To choose my target audience, I did research to find out if there was a gap in the market of music magazines. I found that there weren’t many magazines aimed particularly at the social group of “hip hop” so I decided to focus my magazine on this genre. I am also interested in hip hop and rap so I felt this would be give me more ideas for my product and allow me to relate with my target audience.

How did you attract/address your audience?
 I feel I have attracted my audience in a variety of ways. For example on my front page I have used an image which fills the majority of the page to grab my audiences’ attention. I have used the image of Josh as he is 15 years of age and is in the age group I have targeted my magazine at. In each of the images I have used I took into consideration what the people were wearing as I wanted the audience to relate to the magazine for example people with the same style in clothes. I have used conventions in order to attract my target audience. For example a conventional layout which I felt would attract my audience. The fonts I have used are also conventional and are bold to attract the audience’s attention. I feel the colour scheme I have used also addresses’ my target audience as I have used neutral colours and fonts instead of using a distinctive colour such as pink. I also collected audience feedback throughout my project to make sure they liked my design and colours I used. 

This presentation is going to include another two questions: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? and 

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

As media studies
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